Why you might want to get spinal surgery


When it comes to spinal surgery, there are a lot of options. Many different types of surgeries can be done on the spine, and they all have their benefits and risks. Some people choose to do a kind of surgery over another because of the results they’re looking for or how much money they have available to pay for the procedure. There are many reasons why you might want to get spinal surgery

*To stabilize an unstable spine

This is when your spine is not stable, and you need to have something put in place to keep it from moving around. This could happen if you’ve had back injuries before or if you have arthritis in your joints. It may also be due to other factors like scoliosis or kyphosis. If this happens, then you will likely need to have a fusion surgery performed. Fusion means that two bones will become fused so that they no longer move independently of each other. This surgery aims to make sure that your spine stays stable and doesn’t start causing problems again.

*To relieve pain

If you have chronic lower back pain, then you might want to consider having spinal decompression surgery. This is when a surgeon removes some of the bone and cartilage built up at the bottom of your vertebrae. This allows more space between those vertebrae and relieves pressure on nerves and blood vessels that run through them. In most cases, this surgery won’t fix the problem entirely, but it does help reduce the amount of pain you feel.

*To treat nerve damage

Nerve damage can occur due to injury to your back or even after a long period with poor posture. This can cause weakness in your legs and arms, making it difficult to walk or use your hands. Spinal decompression surgery can remove some scar tissue that builds up around the nerves and allow them to function better.

*To correct deformities

Scoliosis is a condition where your spine curves outwards instead of being straight. Kyphosis is when your spine bends upwards instead of downwards. These conditions can lead to neck pain and difficulty breathing. They can also affect your ability to stand upright properly. You might find that these conditions can be corrected by undergoing spinal decompression surgery.

*To improve mobility

Spinal stenosis is when the spaces inside your spine narrow down too much. This causes symptoms such as leg numbness or pain while walking. Your doctor might recommend surgery to widen the spaces inside your spine to give you greater flexibility and mobility.

Bottom line

At spine.md, Our team of doctors and surgeons work hard to provide patients with the best care possible. We understand how important it is to know about any potential complications associated with spinal surgery, and we strive to give our patients complete information about their procedures. Our doctors are committed to providing you with exceptional patient-centred care, and we hope that you will take advantage of everything we have to offer.
