What are the Consequences from Being Caught Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Other Drugs?


checkpointDrunk driving period is a problem. In Nassau Bahamas, it can be all too common that visitors drink. It is, after all, a place where many vacation to, but being safe is key. A fun time can easily be ruined by the consequences of drunk driving.

Laws For DUI in Nassau, Bahamas

Many think they can run from the law when traveling for vacation, but most times all of the same rules apply if caught. In some instances, it can be worse. Being stopped for a possible DUI in Nassau can call for a night in jail and court appearances no matter who you are. Depending on the severity of the situation, offenders can get jail time. Either way, it will only benefit to get a DUI lawyer to help with the case says DUI attorney Hart J. Levin.

Other Consequences

In reality, being pulled over is the best consequence of drunk driving. This can get the driver off the street or have someone who is fit to drive go behind the wheel. Unfortunately, there are multiple incidents where serious injury and fatal injuries have occurred from drunk driving. At that point the only thing that’ll save you is a good lawyer and a bail bonds company.  There are cases when innocent people are killed and or the drunk driver has been killed. These consequences end lives and lasts a lifetime. It is simply not worth it.

How To Avoid Drunk Drivers

Drunk driving in Nassau Bahamas can be very common since it is a big tourist area. It’s important to drive with caution to protect yourself and the ones you love. Follow the same safety precautions anywhere while driving, just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean there aren’t drivers out there that can ruin somebody’s day. Follow basic driving rules, don’t tailgate, obey traffic lights, and buckle your seat belt. Avoiding drunk drivers can be done, but life can be unpredictable. Be sure that everybody in the car has a seat belt and is wearing it.

Avoiding Drunk Driving

Simply don’t drink. If you are your own driver, you cannot drink. Many think if they drink a little it won’t distract them while driving. Another way to avoid driving drunk is to choose a designated driver, leave your keys and car at home so you can travel with friends. The person who is chosen to be the designated driver must not drink.

To help stop drunk driving be proactive. You can take vehicle keys away and call a taxi for individuals you feel are intoxicated. Be in more control of your vacation while in Nassau, Bahamas or anywhere in the world.
